Friday, April 5, 2019

The Punisher?

This editorial is from the New York Times, written by Michael Cottle who is a member of the editorial board. This gives Cottle credibility since he has been hired by the famous national newspaper to write these editorials. Also, the fact that this editorial had to go through many stepping stones before it could be posted. Cottle gives us an argument that our president, Donald Trump, is a "punisher." He explains that a punisher is someone who has a specific opinion on a problem and his or her solution is the ONLY solution. Cottle argues that Trump has threatened to shut down the border due to the illegal criminals passing through. Since his wall has found ineffective, the only other solution is to shut it down. Cottle also tells us the opposite end of the scale, which is a fixer. He explains that a fixer is someone who is open minded and will look at all possible solutions to see which is the best solution. I agree with Cottle that Trump is a "punisher," he is extremely single minded and shuts people down when it is not beneficial to him. We have seen on countless news casts where he rudely interrupts reporters and uses deragatory remarks to many women. If the question is unimportant to him, he will completely ignore them. The man that we call our president does not listen to the peoples needs and do not care about children who have been separate from their parents because they are criminals to him.

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