Sunday, April 21, 2019


This is a response to Marijuana Should Not be Legalized - Drug Education is No Solution. I see your side of the story according to the research that you have found. Many states are starting to legalize marijuana because of it's helpful medical use. I feel that this is bias on your point of view as there are other medical journals that say that marijuana is not as dangerous as it says. Marijuana does not have addictive qualities, a person may become addicted to marijuana but not for it's properties. This is similar to anything else, someone can be addicted to eating, writing, watching movies, because it makes them feel better.
Another point is, there are many other drugs that are far more harmful. There are approximately 88,000 alcohol related deaths per year. The number of people that die from marijuana is very close to zero per year. There are extremely few reports on deaths linked to marijuana. Alcoholism is more of a problem than the use of marijuana.

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