Friday, May 17, 2019

Response to Abortion

I agree with Mebeb Lemma’s point of view on abortion, to add to her article. Donald Trump, our president, is not a big fan of abortion. Although not being a female himself, this doesn’t exactly make sense. Trump believes that abortion should be banned with the exception of rape, incest, and if it is a danger to the mother. Even though these are of course great reasons this shouldn’t ban abortions for other reasons. The family, mainly the mother should be able to abort the life living in their own belly. There could be a million other reasons which is not protected under Trump’s theoretical ban. The family could not have enough money to raise a child. They could be in college focusing on their school work. Maybe the father doesn’t want to be involved and the mother can not raise the child by herself. These are valid reasons for an abortion. Another thing Trump is rooting for is getting rid of the Affordable Care Act which helps helps us get free birth control and free prenatal care, both of which is extremely important. I believe that we have been through this before, this is the right of a woman to do what they want with their body. It is ridiculous what Trump is trying to do. Men who cannot have children and do not carry a baby in their belly for nine months should not be able to tell us, women, what we can and cannot do.

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