Friday, May 3, 2019

Medical Marijuana?

Marijuana has been around for quite sometime. It has been classified as a Schedule 1 drug because it is prone to addiction and apparently has no medical value. Other schedule 1 drugs include heroin, LSD, cocaine, and many more. Now why would thus Schedule 1 drug have medical value, if it’s a Schedule 1 drug? For a very long time scientists have ruled out the possibility and would not even consider testing the drug to see if it had medicinal value. Now we are becoming more open minded about marijuana and marijuana has been approved for extreme cases of epilepsy: Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

The big question is: Should we legalize marijuana? I don’t really know. But the bigger question is should we legalize medical marijuana? I believe the answer lies within the research. Recent findings show that Epidiolex, a CBD drug given to patients with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, has shown that in most cases have significantly stopped their seizures. This drug was FDA approved in June 2018.

33 states have legalized medical marijuana and 10 of those states have legalized recreational marijuana. Nobody has ever died by taking to much marijuana, a fatal dose is pretty much impossible. Now alcohol... a legal drug once you turn 21 kills about 88,000 people per year... so just think about that. That’s a lot of people, but that’s a different story. Anyway, I believe that we should do more research on this horrible illegal Schedule 1 drug and not be biased on its effects and its legality. This could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing, but we will never know unless we do the research.


Molly Kress said...

I am commenting on one of my classmates posts about legalizing marijuana. This topic has been in the news a lot lately with many people arguing that it should be legalized. Chau Vu comments on marijuana being grouped together with drugs that seem much worse like heroin or cocaine. Vu then describes the positive effects of marijuana used for medical purposes. I personally think there is nothing wrong with legalizing marijuana if it is purely marijuana. People who are smoking medical marijuana or use CBD oil are probably getting the product from sources who are credible. People who use it recreationally do not always get it from the right source and do not always know what is in it. Vu states that no one has died from smoking too much marijuana which might be true but sometimes it is laced with more dangerous drugs and should be closely monitored before it is legalized in every state.
Vu also makes the argument that our country has legalized other substances that can be seen as worse than marijuana. For example, if someone consumes enough alcohol they might die, but that is usually if they exceed a certain limit. However, marijuana is slightly different in that if it is laced with a much more harmful drug, a person might not need to smoke all that much and still be harmed.

Christhian said...

I read my classmates blog about "Medical Marijuana" and I agree with them about doing more research about marijuana. My classmate comments on marijuana being grouped that are way more dangerous like cocaine and heroin. I personally think that marijuana should be legalized because I never hear about people dying or overdosing because of marijuana. But I have heard people getting hospitalized because of "fake" marijuana. I also think jails will be less filled because of people often getting pulled over and arrested for weed, and maybe legalizing it will cause it to get lowered.

My classmate also commented about how alcohol is legal for people who are 21 years or older. Alcohol is a legal drink that has caused many deaths of overdosing, and car accidents. So to see a drink that has killed many of people is legal and has not been under review to change the law or put restrictions on it is crazy. I agree with them too, that researchers and law makers should look more carefully into legalizing medical or recreational marijuana.

Thomas said...

I have read one of my classmates' blog which is regarding the "medical marijuana". In my opinion, i do believe that marijuana should be legal and for medical purposes especially. This statement will bring a lot of people with questions of whether it is good or bad. Chau Vu, makes a decent point comparing how alcohol is legal but marijuana isn't(in some states). This is interesting to look at where Chau stated, alcohol alone have killed many people and yet no one died from over dose marijuana. I understand the side effects of overdosing marijuana which hinder the decision making, problem solving, etc. Overdosing any substances will always have its side effects. My father used to tell me that "people will always find a way....." which can be mean many different ways. People will find a way to make a good thing a bad thing and vice versa. If you know what I mean. Hence, legalizing the marijuana (no doubt) will cause some people to take advantage of it however, if it can help save lives or make the living better for certain people than why not? Personally, I have never consumed nor tried marijuana therefore, I really don't know much about it. Though, I have seen many articles and on TVs posted/showed by scientists about marijuana helping their patients' medical state. I am forward on legalizing marijuana for those in needs.